Halong Bay - a must - see attraction

Published:  10:55 Saturday - December 31, 2011

Halong Bay - a must - see attraction

You are looking for an interesting place that can satisfy your vacation. Let’s come to Halong Bay and see how fascinating and magnificent it is. I am sure that you will be attracted by its natural beauty. Visiting Halong, you will have chance to discover and experience new things that you never try before that.

First of all, you will have chance to take a cruise to discover Halong Bay with a professional tour guide. There are many caves and grottoes, stones in various shape, wonderful islands and peninsulas. Furthermore, there are so many types of animals under the sea and you can spend some time learning about them if you are interested in ocean world. We can list a lot of beautiful and magnificent caves in Halong bay such as: Thien Cung, Hoang Long, Thien Long, Dau Go, Sung Sot, etc. And fantastic islands include Tuan Chau and Cat Ba. Besides it, you will have chance to admire islets in various shapes symbolizing different meanings, these islets were created by nature creator such as: Fighting Cock islet, Monkey islet, Roof islet, etc.

Halong Bay is a natural complex that created by creator and it is assumed as “descending dragon Bay”. The clue for Halong Beauty and magnificence lies on the fact that it has been recognized as World Natural Heritage and it ranks one of the seven natural wonders in the world. It will be very regretful if you miss the chance to visit this place.

In addition, visiting Halong Bay will bring you interesting experience by staying in luxury and modern hotels and cruises followed by perfect and wonderful services. There are deluxe and luxury cruises meeting your wish to discover Halong Bay. Staying in these cruises, you will be served the best services include accommodation, dinning, entertainment and relaxing. You will have chance to take part in under sea game such as diving or fishing. While that, diving to discover the ocean will be a definitely new experience and makes your vacation more excited. For those who are keen on sea food, it will be very wonderful to taste delicious seafood and even learn how to cook it that you can cook for your family after your vacation.

Especially, you should not forget bring a camera with you to take beautiful photos in Halong Bay. It will be sweet memories. Also, you can buy gifts which are made from sea products for your relatives and friends.

For all interesting and special things mentioned above. Do not be confused and let’s stand up and pick up your luggage to visit Halong Bay. You absolutely will have an unforgettable journey.

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