Promoting cooperation in translating Vietnamese literature

Published:  00:00 Friday - January 08, 2010

Promoting cooperation in translating Vietnamese literature

The Vietnam Writers Association on January 8 signed agreements on cooperation in translating Vietnamese literature during the 2010-2015 period with publishing houses and translators from 10 countries all over the world.

The event is part of the international conference on Vietnamese literature being held in Hanoi from January 5-10.

The international partners came from the US, India, Russia, Hungary, the Philippines, Sweden, the Republic of Korea, Mongolia and China.

Also on the occasion, the Vietnam Writers Association granted medals to 50 writers, poets and translators from 15 foreign countries, who had made great contributions to introducing Vietnamese literature to the world.

Additionally, a night of poetry reading was held on January 8 in the northern province of Quang Ninh. In the next two days, international delegates will visit some of Vietnam’s most famous historical sites such as Ha Long Bay, Yen Tu Temple and Thanh Chuong district.

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