In july, the number of foreign tourists increased of 11.6 percent over June

Published:  10:18 Wednesday - August 01, 2012

In july, the number of foreign tourists increased of 11.6 percent over June

There are about 446,000 international visitors arrived in Vietnam in July, increase of 11.6 percent over June, but down 7.9 percent compared to the same period last year.

In the past seven months, the country received more than 3.8 million overseas tourists, up 10.8 percent compared to the same period last year.

The 7-month figures helped the tourism industry meet 59 percent of its set target to welcome 6.5 million foreign visitors in 2012.

Nevertheless, there was a sharp drop in the number of Chinese traverlers over the past two months, after a steady rise earlier this year.

Also in the reviewed period, the number of Vietnamese tourists visiting the Republic of Korea dramatically increased by 37.9 percent, and those to Malaysia went up 24 percent, Thailand up 22.7 percent, and Japan up 21.4 percent, but the number of Vietnamese traveling to Cambodia, Australia and the US remarkably fell.

Source: VNA

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