Vietnam attends Hong Kong travel expo

Published:  01:01 Monday - June 17, 2013

Vietnam attends Hong Kong travel expo

Vietnam and 49 countries and territories around the world have attended the International Travel Expo Hong Kong (ITE HK) kicking off on June,13 in China

Vietnam regularly takes part in ITE, Vietnam Airlines not only consider this event as a chance to find partners, but also to promote Vietnamtourism.

The expo, the largest of its kind in Hong Kong, attracts about 70,000 visitors a day. It features representatives of tourism agencies and airlines from 49 countries and territories around the world.

Vietnam’s national flag carrier Vietnam Airlines is attending the event to seek new partners and promote the country’s tourism.

Head of the Vietnam Airlines representative office in Hong Kong, Nguyen Quoc Tuan, said that the flag carrier wants to introduce expo visitors to Vietnam, its people and culture, as well as the airline’s routes and development potential.

The air carrier also wants to learn more about how the people of Hong Kong perceive Vietnam and their favourite destinations in the country in order to improve its marketing in the Hong Kong market, he added.

A number of other Vietnamese travel businesses are also taking part in the expo, including Vinpearl Resort Vietnam, Vidortour, Saigon Global Travel and Golf Coast Vietnam.

Translated by Nguyen Hao

Source: Vietnamnet

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