Tet is in the air in Hanoi, a month early

Published:  09:22 Friday - December 16, 2016

Tet is in the air in Hanoi, a month early

Hanoians are enjoying peach blossoms much earlier than in previous years thanks to a warm winter.

Peach blossoms for sale at a flower market in Tay Ho District, Hanoi.

The flowers are a popular house decoration for Tet, the Lunar New Year holiday which starts on January 28, and these puffy pink blossoms normally show up on the streets in mid-January.

Lien (R), a peach tree farmer, shows off her trees to a customer.

A woman packs a blossoming tree from her garden for a buyer.

A perfect peach blossom. Farmers said they usually start plucking leaves a month and a half before Tet so the nutrition taken into the trees is focused on forming buds, but some trees have gone against the plan due to the warm weather.

The early flowers have been selling well, with prices starting from just several bucks.

A whole tree costs VND500,000 ($22).

But this woman only had to pay VND70,000, or around $3, for this beautiful branch.

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