Add: # T2606, Hancorp Plaza – West Tower, 72 Tran Dang Ninh str., Cau Giay dist., Hanoi, VIETNAM
Tel: +84437833570
Address: 27F Tran Nhat Duat street, Dist. 1, HCM City
Tel: (84-8)38468104
Fax: (84-8)38468105
Founded in the early 1990’s, Indochina Services began as a small destination management company offering tour services for the European market into Vietnam. The company has grown dramatically in the years to follow, adding Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Indonesia and most recently Thailand to its list of travel destinations, and now handles clients from over 110 countries worldwide.
Early 2006, in response to broadening market requirements, the company rebranded to Indochina Services Travel Group (ICS) and opened new independent service departments focusing on the incentive markets (ICS Events), deluxe travel (ICS Style), and golf (ICS Golf). The head office in Thailand acts as the co-ordination centre between you the client and our fifteen in-country operations offices. Itineraries and reservations are processed in Bangkok and services delivered on the ground by our own personnel throughout the region.
We strive to become the market leader in delivering customised solutions to your requirements, to uphold our reputation for consistent quality of service, and to offer your clients a unique local experience that they will never forget.
Address: 235/3 Vo Thi Sau, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: (84-8) 39320732
Address: 10/8 Phan Dinh Giot, Ward 2, Tan Binh District, HoChiMinh city
Tel: (84-8)38441005
Address: 268 Cong Hoa St , Dist Tan Binh , Ward 13 , HCMC
Tel: 08.66846427 // 08.62746427
Address: 190 Pasteur Street, Dist. 3, HCM City
Tel: (84-8)38228898
Address: 235/3 Vo Thi Sau Str., Dist. 3 Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: (84-8)39320732
Address: 06 Dang Thi Nhu St, Dist 1, HCMC, Vietnam
Tel: (84 8) 3915 2141 - 42 - 43 - 44